Tuesday, March 10, 2009

ECE Technology Inventory

Being an early childhood education major, I had never really thought about the different technologies that are available within the classroom. I always figured that the kids would be on the younger side of things; so that would make our activities a little different than the elementary education majors. I always knew that I would use technology in the classroom, it was just a matter of what is developmentally appropriate. After interview a first grade classroom I was amazed at all the different technologies that were present.

In this particular classroom, there was one MAC computer that was available to the students in their classroom. They also had all the program that come with the MAC computer such as: iphoto, garageband, imovie, TimeMachine, and Spaces. There are numerous possibilities that come with all of these different programs. Also within the classroom there is a TV, CD player which would be great for showing movie clips or focusing on a certain culture's music. This classroom also has access to a DVD/VCR player, Smartboard/Smart Clickers and they have Internet access. There were several other things that this school (Hillcrest Elementary) provided for its teachers and students.

As I was learning more and more about the different technologies within the classroom, I began to think about the different activities and lessons that could be fun for the students. This elementary school had access to a technology called an Elmo. This is a way for the teacher to project a book up onto the big screen. I think that this is a technology that I would use in my future classroom. Along with the fun activities that are programmed into the Smartboards. I think that this class and the activities that are assigned are allowing me to think more outside the box and get ready to have a technology savvy classroom for my future students.

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